E-mail Addresses ![[Image]](../images/chest.gif)
One of the most exasperating things about the Internet is trying to get the
e-mail addresses of people you want to communicate with. Here is a list of at
least some people you might want to know about if you are reading this page.
Please note: As of March 9, 2007, this page will no longer be updated. I will leave it posted on the web, in the hope that it may be useful to you.
Here is the list (arranged alphabetically by surname):
- Marilyn McCord Adams (University of Oxford) =
- Peter Adamson (King's College, London) =
- Asad Q. Ahmed (Near Eastern Studies, Princeton) =
- Tamara Albertini (Hawaii at Manoa) =
- Yardenit Albertini (Hochschule für jüdische Studien, Heidelberg) =
- Antonio F. Aldaz (Faculdad de Filosofia y Letras, Universidad de Granada,
Spain) =
- Guido Alliney (Trieste) =
- Fabrizio Amerini (University of Parma ) =
- Alexander Andrée (Stockholm University, Sweden) =
- Robert Andrews =
- Ignacio Angelelli (University of Texas at Austin) =
- Marco Arosio (Pontificia Facoltà Teologica Teresianum, Roma) =
- E. J. Ashworth (Waterloo) =
- Atucha Iñigo (Université de Fribourg - Suisse) =
- Luis E. Bacigalupo (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú ) =
- Allen Bäck (Kutztown) = back@acad.csv.kutztown.edu
- P. J. J. M. Bakker (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen) = pbakker@phil.kun.nl
or pbakker@easynet.fr
- James E. Barr (Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, Louisiana) =
- Juan Pablo Barros S. (Universidad Santo Tomás—Chile) =
- Patricia Inés Bastidas (Buenos Aires) =
- Andreas J. Beck (Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven) = ()
- Abdessalam Ben Maissa (Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco) = benmaiss@syfed.refer.org.ma
- David Berger (Köln) =
- Harald Berger (Universität Graz, Austria) = harald.berger@kfunigraz.ac.at
- Benoît Beyer de Ryke (Université Libre de Bruxelles) =
- Joel Biard (Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance, Université François-Rabelais de Tours) =
- Ludovic Bizet (Bordeaux) =
- Deborah Black (Toronto) = deborah.black@utoronto.ca
- Steve Blakemore (Wesley Biblical Seminary, Jackson, MS) = sblakemore@wbs.edu
- Josh Blander (UCLA) =
- Michael Blaustein (St. John's, Annapolis) = m-blaustein@sjca.edu
- Alexey Boiko (Kurgan State University) =
- John Boler (University of Washington) = boler@u.washington.edu or
- Charles Bolyard (James Madison University) = bolyarcr@jmu.edu
- Anthony Bonner (Palma de Mallorca, Spain) =
- Olivier Boulnois (Paris) = BoulnoisOl@aol.com
- E. P. Bos (Leiden) = e.p.bos@let.leidenuniv.nl
- Francesco Bottin (Padua) = bottin@ipdunidx.unipd.it
- H. M. Bracken (Arizona State) = hbracken@asuvm.inre.asu.edu
- David Bradshaw (Indiana University Northwest) = dbradsha@iunhaw1.iun.indiana.edu
- Rémi Brague (Université Paris) =
- Harald E. Braun (School of History, University of Liverpool) =
- Christian Brouwer (Université libre de Bruxelles) =
- Jeffrey E. Brower (Purdue University) = brower@purdue.edu
- Susan Brower-Toland (St. Louis University) =
- Mitchell E. Brown II (Butzbach, Germany) =
- Montague Brown (St. Anselm College) = mbrown@anselm.edu
- Stephen F. Brown (Boston College) = brownst@bc.edu
- Julie Brumberg-Chaumont (École practique des hautes études/Centre d'études des religions du livre, Paris) =
- Edmund Brumfitt (University of Durham, UK) =
- Aleksandra Bugajak (University of Lódz) =
- Bernardo Bulla Pinto (Universidad Sergio Arboleda, Bogotá) = rbbullap@andinet.com
- David B. Burrell (Notre Dame) = david.b.burrell.1@nd.edu
- Patricia S. Burton (Truman State University) =
- Charles E. Butterworth (Maryland) = cebworth@bss2.umd.edu
- Ane Bysted (History, University of Southern Denmark) =
- Liz Cabrera =
- Rudy Cambier =
- Dragos Calma (Sorbonne, Paris) =
- Monica Calma (E.P.H.E-Paris) =
- Margaret Cameron (University of Toronto) = macamero@chass.utoronto.ca
- Germán Carvajal (Humanistic research Institute, Baruch D'espinoza,
Bogotá ) = jipokaimenon@hotmail.com
- Phillip Cary (Villanova) = pcary@email.vill.edu
- John Casey (Northeastern Illinois University) =
- Maria João Castelo Branco (Gabinete de Filosofia Medieval, Universidade do Porto, Portugal) =
- John Catan (Prescott, Arizona, formerly State University of New York Brockport) =
- Giovanni Catapano (Università di Padova) =
- Anthony J. Celano (Stonehill College) = acelano@stonehill.edu
- Lucilla Cervigni (University Macerata, Italy) =
- Michael Chase (CNRS UPR 76, Villejuif-Paris, France) =
- Mary T. Clark (Manhattanville College) = mclark@mville.edu
- Gavin T. Colvert (Assumption College, Worcester, MA) =
- Alessandro D. Conti (Dipartimento di Storia, Università degli Studi
di L'Aquila) =
- Valérie Cordonier (Université de Fribourg) = Valerie.Cordonier@unifr.ch
- Maude Corrieras-Mannu (Paris) =
- Antoine Côté (University of Ottawa) = coteaj@uottawa.ca
- William J. Courtenay (History, Univ. of Wisconsin) = court@macc.wisc.edu
- Jean-François Courtine (Sorbonne) = courtine@heraclite.ens.fr
- Luciano Cova (Università di Trieste) =
- Paul Crittenden (Philosophy, University of Sydney, NSW) =
- Richard Cross (Oriel College, Oxford) =
- Stanley B. Cunningham (University of Windsor, emeritus) =
- Luciana Cuppo (Vicenza, Italy) =
- Joakim Dahlström (Stockholm) =
- Jorge Augusto Da Silva Santos (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Vitória, ES, Brasil) =
- Herbert Davidson (UCLA) = hdavidso@ucla.edu
- Brian Davies (Fordham) = Davies@murray.forham.edu
- Julian A. Davies (Siena College) = davies@siena.edu
- Franco De Capitani = francodecapitani@unipr.it
- Dirk-Jan Dekker (Nijmegen) = djdekker@phil.kun.nl
- Craig J. N. de Paulo (Temple University) =
- Thomas Dewender (Universität Bonn) =
- Fulvio Di Blasi (Jacques Maritain Center, University of Notre Dame) = fdiblasi@nd.edu
- Andrea Di Maio (Facoltà di Filosofia/Scuola di Lessicografia ed Ermeneutica,
Pontifica Università Gregoriana) = .
See also Di Maio's Web page at http://www.unigre.urbe.it/lessicografia/.
- Alain Dierkens (Université Libre de Bruxelles) =
- Judith Dijs (Leiden) =
- Marianne Djuth (Canisius) = djuth@gort.canisius.edu
- Idit Dobbs-Weinstein (Vanderbilt) = idit.dobbs-weinstein@vanderbilt.edu
- James C. Doig (Clayton State College, emeritus) =
- Giulio d'Onofrio (Università degli Studi di Salerno ) = gi.dn@tiscalinet.it
- John P. Doyle (St. Louis) = doylejp@slu.edu
- Mechthild Dreyer (Universität Mainz) = dreyer@mail.uni-mainz.de
- Thérèse-Anne Druart (Catholic University of America) = druart@cua.edu
- Cristian Ducu (University of Bucharest) = .
See also Ducu's homepage at http://fil.unibuc.ro/~cducu.
- Stephen Dumont (University of Toronto) = stephen.dumont@utoronto.ca
- Michael Dunne (National University of Ireland, Maynooth) =
- Catarina Dutilh Novaes (Universiteit Leiden) = C.Dutilh-Novaes@let.leidenuniv.nl
- Petr Dvorák (Philosophical Institute, Czech Academy of Sciences,
and The Cyril and Moehodius Theological Faculty, Palacky University) =
- Peter Eardley (University of Guelph) =
- Sten Ebbesen (Institute for Greek and Latin, Copenhagen) = se@coco.ihi.ku.dk
- Sandra Edwards (Arkansas) = sandrae@comp.uark.edu
- Tomas Ekenberg (Uppsala) = tomas.ekenberg@filosofi.uu.se
- Marjorie Eljach (Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Columbia) =
- Kent C. Emery, Jr. (The Medieval Institute, Notre Dame) = kent.emery.1@nd.edu
- Khalid El-Rouayheb (Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge) =
- Heather Erb (Pennsylania State, Altonna) = hme1@psu.edu
- Christophe Erismann (University of Lausanne) =
- Girard J. Etzkorn =
- Caery Evangelist (Duke University) =
- Jonathan R. Evans (University of Indianapolis) =
- Barbara Faes (CNR, Italy) =
- Paulo Faitanin (Revista Eletrônica de Estudos Tomistas, Rio de Janeiro) =
- Anselmo T. Ferreira (Universidade Estadual de Campinas—UNICAMP estado de São Paulo, Brasil) =
- Giovanni Festina (Istituto Internazionale Giovanni Paolo II, Roma, Italia)
- Gianfranco Fioravanti (University of Pisa) = fioravanti@fls.unipi.it
- Alfonso Florez (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota) = alflorez@javercol.javeriana.edu.co
- Yvonne Fide (UCLA) =
- Shawn Floyd (MaloneCollege) = sfloyd@malone.edu
- Christoph Flueler (University of Fribourg/Zurich) =
- Marco Forlivesi (Università di Padova ) =
. See also Forlivesi's webpage at http://web.tiscali.it/marcoforlivesi/mf.htm.
- John Fortin (St. Anselm) = jfortin@anselm.edu
- Paula Franso (Almere, The Netherlands) =
- Alfred J. Freddoso (Notre Dame) = alfred.j.freddoso.1@nd.edu
- Raymond Fredette (Sherbrooke, Canada) = fredetra@interlinx.qc.ca
- Gad Freudenthal (Centre d'histoire des sciences et des philosophies arabes
et médiévales, Villejuif, France) = freudent@msh-paris.fr
- Russell Friedman (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium) =
- Juan Héctor Fuentes (CONICET-Universidad Nacional de Cuyo) =
- Richard J. Gaffney (Siena College) = gaffney@siena.edu
- Daniel B. Gallagher (Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit) =
- Griet Galle (De Wulf-Mansioncentre for Ancient and Medieval Philosophy, Leuven) =
- Alain Galonnier (CNRS–Villejuif) =
- José Angel Garcia Cuadrado = (Universidad de Navarra, España)
- Gautam Satapathy = (University of Hyderabad, India) =
- Hester Gelber (Religion, Stanford) = hgelber@leland.stanford.edu
- Alessandro Ghisalberti (Università Cattolica di Sacro Cuore, Milan)
= alessandro.ghisalberti@mi.unicatt.it
- Marek Gensler (University of Lodz, Poland) =
- Mary Gerard =
- Jay Gibson =
- Joan Gibson (York University) =
- Odile Gilon-Fischer (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) =
- James Ginther (Department of Theological Studies, St. Louis University) =
See also Ginther's website, The
Electronic Grosseteste (www.grosseteste.com).
- Cédric Giraud (Université de Paris IV, Sorbonne) =
- Jonathan A. Glenn (University of Central Arkansas) =
- André Goddu (Stonehill College) = agoddu@stonehill.edu
- Adam K. Gogacz (University of Lodz) =
- Lenn E. Goodman (Vanderbilt) = lgoodman@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu
- Alec Gordon (Department of English Language and Literature, College of Humanities,
Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea) =
- Harm Goris (Catholic Theological University, Utrecht) =
- Andrew Colin Gow (Department of History and Classics, University of Alberta)
- Jorge J. E. Gracia (Buffalo) = gracia@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu See also
Gracia's Web page at http://www.acsu.buffalo.edu/~gracia/
- Anabela Gradim (Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal) =
- Edward Grant (History and Philosophy of Science, Indiana) = grant@indiana.edu
- Christoophe Grellard (UFR de Philosophie, Université de Paris) =
. See also Grellard's personal webpage at http://www-philo.univ-paris1.fr/pageGrellard.htm.
- Kevin Guilfoy (University of Akron) =
- Dimitri Gutas (Yale) = dgutas@minerva.cis.yale.edu
- John J. Haldane (St. Andrews, Scotland) = jjh1@st-and.ac.uk
- Edward Halper (University of Georgia) = ehalper@uga.cc.uga.edu
- Jeffrey F. Hamburger (Fine Art, University of Toronto) = J.Hamburger@utoronto.ca
- Jacqueline Hamesse (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium) =
- Paul Hardy (School of Oriental & African Studies, University of London)
= PH9@soas.ac.uk
- Sean Harvey (New York City) =
- Jeffrey Hause (Creighton University) =
- Mark Henninger (Georgetown University) =
- Nicholas L. Heer (University of Washington) = heer@u.washington.edu
- Gina Heinbockel-Bolik (Simon Fraser Univeresity, British Columbia) = Gina_Heinbockel-Bolik@sfu.ca
- Randall Herz (Erlangen) =
- Giovanni Higuera Rubio = (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) =
- Benjamin Hill (University of Western Ontario) =
- Stefan Hirschmann (Duesseldorf University) =
See also Hirschmann's Web page at http://www.phil-fak.uni-duesseldorf.de/geschichte/mittelalter/hirsch.htm.
- Joshua P. Hochschild (Wheaton College) =
- Maarten J. F. M. Hoenen (Nijmegen) = mhoenen@phil.kun.nl
- Tobias Hoffmann (Catholic University of America) =
See also Hoffmann's website
at http://faculty.cua.edu/hoffmann.
- Toivo J. Holopainen (Helsinki) = toivo.holopainen@helsinki.fi
- Bettina Holstein (Magdalen College, Oxford) = bettina.holstein@magdalen.oxford.ac.uk
- Ludger Honnefelder (Bonn) = upl201@ibm.rhrz.uni-bonn.de Note:
Dr. Honnefelder is also director of the Albertus-Magnus-Institute,
which may be visited at http://www.bn.shuttle.de/ami
- Jonathan How (St. John's Seminary, Wonersh) =
- Hubert Hubien (Université de Liège, Emeritus) =
- Reinhard Hülsen (Hamburg) = ph4a12@rzaixsrv2.rrz.uni-hamburg.de
- Janine Marie Idziak (Loras College) = jidziak@lcac1.loras.edu
- Ruedi Imbach (Fribourg) = Ruedi.Imbach@unifr.ch
- John Inglis (Dayton) =
- Institut Saint-Thomas d'Aquin (Toulouse) =
(Note: The Institute Saint-Thomas d'Aquin is the editor of Revue
- Alfred L. Ivry (New York University) = ivry@acfcluster.nyu.edu or
- Iwakuma Yukio (Fukui Prefectural University, Japan)) = yukio@fpu.ac.jp
(Note: "Iwakuma" is the surname.) See also Iwakuma's
Web page at http://iwakuma.fpu.ac.jp/.
- Richard Jackson (Loyola University City College, New Orleans) =
- Klaus Jacobi (Freiburg) = jacobi@ruf..uni-freiburg.de
- Esteve Jaulent (Centro de Extensão Universitária, Brazil)
= ejaulent@pobox.com See also Jaulent's "Studies on Ramon
Llull" Web site at http://www.pobox.com/~lulio.
- Mark Johnson (Theology, Marquette University) = Mark.Johnson@marquette.edu
- Ray Jones =
- Mark D. Jordan (The Medieval Institute, Notre Dame) = mark.d.jordan.2@nd.edu
- Elżbieta Jung-Palczewska (University of Łódź) =
(If your browser does not display these characters correctly, the first
name is 'Elzbieta' with a dot over the 'z''. The city is Lodz with a stroke
through the 'L' and what looks like an acute accent over the 'z'.)
- Christoph Kann (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf) =
- Elizabeth Karger (CNRS) = e.karger@wanadoo.fr
- Pekka Kärkkäinen = pekka.karkkainen@helsinki.fi
- Sharon Kaye (John Carroll University) =
See also Kaye's Web page at: http://www.jcu.edu/philosophy/kaye/.
- Carroll C. Kearley (Loyola Marymount) = xxckearl@popmail.lmu.edu
- N. Kearney (St. Michael's R. C. Church, Huntingdon, U.K.) = nkearney@libertysurf.co.uk
- Bonnie D. Kent (University of California, Irvine) =
- Patrick J. Keleher, Jr. (Center for Philosophical Practice, Wilmette, IL) =
- Rafał M. Kępa (University of of Łódź) =
(If your browser does not display these characters correctly, the name is
Rafal M. Kepa' with a stroke over the 'l' in the first name, and a reversed
cedilla under the 'e' in the surname. The city is Lodz with a stroke through
the 'L' and what looks like an acute accent over the 'z'.)
- Berenice Kerr (Southern Cross University, Lismore, Australia) =
- Fergus Kerr (Blackfriars, Oxford, UL) =
- Andy Kesegic =
- Shelly Keyes = rskeyes@voyager.net
- John Kilcullen (Macquarie) = john.kilcullen@mq.edu.au See also
Kilcullen's extremely fertile Web pages at http://www.mq.edu.au/~ockham/
(Ockham, Scotus, Buridan), http://www.mq.edu.au/~ockham/0pge6724.html
(two courses on political theory, including mediaeval authors),
(course materials on mediaeval philosophy), and http://britac3.britac.ac.uk/ockdial.html
(Latin and English text of Ockham's Dialogus).
- Peter King (University of Toronto) =
. See also King's Web page at http://individual.utoronto.ca/pking/.
- Julie R. Klein (Virginia Tech) = jrklein@vt.edu
- Gyula Klima (Fordham) = or . See also Klima's
Web page at http://www.fordham.edu/gsas/phil/klima,
with a European mirror site at
- C. H. J. M. Kneepkens (Groningen) = kneepken@let.rug.nl
- Simo Knuuttila (Helsinki) = simo.knuuttila@helsinki.fi or
- George Knysh (Manitoba) = knysh@cc.UManitoba.CA
- Catherine König-Pralong (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) =
- Martyna Koszkalo (Academy of Physical Education, Gdansk, Poland) = kwojcieszek@poczta.onet.pl
- Victor Kotusenko (Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine) =
- Hans Kraml (University of Innsbruck) = hans.kraml@uibk.ac.at
- Bettina Maria Kreissl (Fribourg, Switzerland) =
- Douglas Kries (Gonzaga) = kries@gonzaga.edu
- Achin Kuch (Universitas Saraviensis, Germany) =
- Henrik Lagerlund (Uppsala) =
- Stephen Lahey (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)) =
- Sebastian Lalla (Institute für Philosophie, Freie Universität Berlin ) =
- Roberto Lambertini (Società Italiana per lo Studio del Pensiero Medievale)
= ce29340@comune.cento.fe.it
- John Lamont (University of St. Andrews) =
- Gregory LaNave (Catholic University of America/The Thomist) =
- Marcello Landi (Domodossola - Italia) =
- Helen S. Lang (Trinity College, Hartford) = helen.lang@trincoll.edu
- Douglas Langston (New College of Florida) =
- Lidia Lanza (SISMEL) =
- Antoine Leandri (Paris) = aleandri@club-internet.fr
- Richard A. Lee, Jr. (DePaul University) =
- Brian Leftow (Fordham) = leftow@murray.fordham.edu
- Martin Lenz (FU Berlin) =
- Volker Leppin (Universität Jena) =
- Aymon de Lestrange (Édition des Belles Lettres, Paris) =
- Ria van der Lecq (Utrecht) = Ria.vanderLecq@phil.uu.nl
- Neil Lewis (Georgetown) =
- Alain de Libera (University of Geneva) = Alain.DeLibera@Lettres.Unige.CH
- Otfried Liberknecht (Berlin) = Lieberknecht@ber.netsurf.de See also
Otfried Lieberknecht's
Homepage for Dante Studies, and the Email
Forum Medieval-Religion.
- Will Lin =
- Elena Lissaniouk (Department of Logic, St. Peterburg State Univ., Russia)
= lissan@vp1809.spb.edu
- Anthony J. Lisska (Denison) = lisska@denison.edu
- Steven J. Livesey (Dept. of History of Science, Univ. of Oklahoma) =
- Ian Logan (Blackfriars, Oxford) =
- R. James Long (Fairfield) = long@fair1.fairfield.edu
- Matthias Lutz-Bachmann (Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt am Main) = lutz-bachmann@em.uni-frankfurt.de
- Scott MacDonald (Cornell) =
- Silvia Magnavacca (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina) =
- Edward Mahoney (Duke) = emahoney@acpub.duke.edu
- Ernesto Sergio Mainoldi (University of Salerno, SISMEL [Firenze]) =
- Jonathan Malino (Guilford) = malinojw@rascal.guilford.edu
- Thomas S. Maloney (Louisville) = tsmalo01@ulkyvm.louisville.edu
- Costante Marabelli (Facoltà di Theologia di Lugano) = comarabe@tin.it
- John Marenbon (Trinity College, Cambridge) =
- Costantino Marmo (Bologna) = marmo@dsc.unibo.it
- Stephen P. Marrone (Tufts) = smarrone@emerald.tufts.edu
- Concetto Martello (Catania, Italy) = martelloc@tau.it
- Christopher J. Martin (Auckland) = cj.martin@aukuni.ac.nz
- Carlos Mateo Martínez Ruiz (Rio Ceballos, Argentina) = martinezruizcm@arnet.com.ar
- Debernardi Massimo (Novara, Italy) = debermax@novara.alpcom.it
- Gareth Matthews (Univ. of Massachusetts) = matthews@philos.umass.edu
- Scott Matthews (University of Stirling, UK) =
- Jozef Matula (Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Philosophy, Palacky University)
- Clay Maxwell (Tyndale Seminary, Toronto; University of Waterloo) =
- Paul Mayrhuber (Klagenfurt, Austria) =
- Graham James McAleer (Loyola College, Maryland) = mcaleer@loyola.edu
- Colleen McCluskey (Saint Louis University) = mcclusc@slu.edu
- David McGonagle (Catholic University of America) = mcgonagle@cua.edu
- Ralph M. McInerny (Notre Dame) = Ralph.M.McInerny.1@nd.edu
- William McMahon (Akron) = mcmahon@uakron.edu
- Mark Melcher (Mount Laurel, New Jersey) =
- Stephen P. Menn (McGill) = spmenn@dep.philo.mcgill.ca
- Claudiu Mesaros (West University, Timisoara, Romania) =
- Jürgen Miethke (Heidelberg) = Juergen.Miethke@urz.uni-heidelberg.de
- Richard H. Miller (North Carolina School of the Arts) = millerr@ncsavx.ncarts.edu
- Scott Miller (Hardin-Simmons University, Abilene, Texas) = smiller@hsutx.edu
- Frank A. Mills (Celtic Studies, Marylhurst University) =
- Marek Jerzy Minakowski (Jagiellonian University, Cracow) =
- Gail B. Mitchell (New York University/University of Hawaii at Manoa) =
- Megan Mohr (Black Hills State University, Spearfish, SD) = megan_221@hotmail.com
- George Molland (Aberdeen, Scotland) = molland@globalnet.co.uk
- John Monfasani (State University of New York at Albany) = monf@cnsvax.albany.edu
- Rafael M. Mora-Martin (Albacete, Spain)
- Piero Morpurgo (Vicenza, Italy) =
- Donald Morrison (Rice) = donaldm@rice.edu
- Elizabeth Mozillo-Howell (Cambridge UK) =
- Lukas Benjamin Muehlethaler (Yale University) =
- John Murdoch (Harvard) = murdoch@fas.harvard.edu
- William E. Murnion (Ramapo College) = wmurnion@ramapo.edu
- Karen Napoli (State University of New York at Stony Brook) =
- Lloyd A. Newton (Benedictine College) =
- Lauge Nielsen (Copenhagen) = lon@teol.ku.dk or lauge.nielsen@teol.ku.dk
- Nik Nikolas (University of Cyprus) =
- Timothy B. Noone (Catholic University of America) =
- Patrick Nold (Grabmann Institute, Munich) =
- Calvin Normore (UCLA) = normore@humnet.ucla.edu or cNormore@compuserve.com
- O Comain, Liam (The Aquinas Fellowship, Derry City, Ireland) =
Note: There are "underline"-characters on both sides of the
first 'o' in the e-mail address. You may not be able to see them, since --
depending on your viewer -- you may see the entire address underlined.
- James J. O'Donnell (Pennsylvania) = jod@ccat.sas.upenn.edu
- Thomas M. Osborne (Duke) = tmo@acpub.duke.edu
- Gale Oxley (John Vianney and the Ugana Martyrs Seminary) =
- Ana Palanciuc (Paris) =
- Claude Panaccio (Université du Québec à Montréal)
- Luca Parisoli (Centre de Théorie do Droit, Université de Paris)
= luca.parisoli@u-paris10.fr
- Woosuk Park (South Korea) =
- Massimo Parodi (Milan) = MC5778@mclink.it See also Parodi's "Storia
della filosofia medievale" home page at http://users.unimi.it/~mparodi/home.htm.
- Terence Parsons (Univ. of California at Irvine) = tparsons@uci.edu
- Robert Pasnau (University of Colorado) = pasnau@colorado.edu See
also Pasnau's Web page at http://spot.Colorado.EDU/~pasnau.
- Aurelio Pastori (Universidad de Montevideo, Uruguay) =
- Angelo Pellegrini (Gregorian University, Rome) = angel.pellegrini@tisclinet.it
- Marek Peplinski (Pedagogical Academy, Bydgoszcz, Poland) =
- Antonio Pérez-Estevez (Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela)
- Rubén A. Peretó Rivas (Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza,
Argentina) = rpereto@hotmail.com
- Paloma Pérez-Ilzarbe (Depto. de Filosofía, Universidad de Navarra,
Spain) =
- Stefano Perfetti (Pisa) = s.perfetti@humnet.unipi.it
- Alan Perreiah (Kentucky) = pera@ukcc.uky.edu
- Paolo Piccari (University of Siena [Arezzo]) =
- Martin Pickavé (University of Toronto) =
- José Ricardo Pierpauli (Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis,
Brazil) =
- Martin L. Pine (Queens College, City University of New York) =
- Giorgio Pini (Fordham University) =
- Albert Pinto (Opus Doctorum Foundation, Opera Omnia Alberti Magni) =
See also Pinto's website at http://www.AlbertTheGreat.com.
- Sylvain Piron (EHESS, Paris) =
- Fabienne Pironet (Montreal) =
- Roberto Plevano (Università di Padova) =
- Olaf Pluta (Ruhr-Universität Bochum ) =
See also Pluta's Abbreviationes Web page at: http://www.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/philosophy/projects/abbrev.htm, and Abbreviationes Online at http://abbreviationes.net.
- Robert J. Podkoński (University of Łódź) = podkon@poczta.onet.pl
(If your browser does not display these characters correctly, the surname
is 'Podkonski' with what looks like an acute accent over the 'n'. The city
is Lódz with a stroke through the 'L' and what looks like an acute
accent over the 'z'.)
- Pasquale Porro (Università di Bari) =
- Bernadette Preben-Hansen (Groningen) =
- Tanya Price = tprice@dmprice.org
- Francesco del Punta (Pisa) = francesco.delpunta@sns.it
- FrançoisXavier Putallaz (Sion, Switzerland) = fx.putallaz@bluewin.ch
- Patricia A. Quinn (Wisconsin - Eau Claire) = quinnpa@uwec.edu
- Riccardo Quinto (Università di Padova) =
- John Peter Radez (Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, Indiana University) =
- Alessandro Raffi (Liceo Scientifico G. Marconi Carrara) =
- Ahmed Haitham Al-Rahim (Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, Harvard
Univ.) = alrahim@fas.harvard.edu
- Cathy Read (Peterborough, UK) =
- Stephen Read (St. Andrews, Scotland) = slr@st-andrews.ac.uk
- Gregory Reichberg (International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO))
- David Reisman (University of Illinois at Chicago) =
- Doug Renselle (The Quantonics Society) =
- Irven M. Resnick (Tennessee at Chattanooga) = iresnick@cecasun.utc.edu
- Philip Lyndon Reynolds (Aquinas Center of Theology
& Chandler School of Theology, Atlanta) = lreynol@emory.edu Reynolds
also runs the Quaestio listserv on scholastic matters. For further
information see [Links].
- Eugene Rice (Columbia) = efr2@columbia.edu
- André Rangel Rios (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
- Sajjad Rizvi (Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies, University of Exeter) =
- Aurélien Robert (Université de Nantes) =
- Andrea A. Robiglio (Faculty of Theology, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen,
and Hoger Instituut voor Wijsbegeerte, Leuven) =
- Christian Rode (University of Bonn) =
- Francesco Romano (University of Catania, Italy) = romanof@mbox.unict.it
- Gino Roncaglia (Tuscia University, Viterbo) = mc3430@mclink.it or
roncagl@webcom.com See also Roncaglia's Web page at http://www.webcom.com/roncagl/.
- Philipp W. Rosemann (University of Dallas) = rosemann@acad.udallas.edu
or pwrosemann@msn.com
- Creighton Rosental (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) =
- Franz Rosenthal (Yale) = franz.rosenthal@yale.edu
- Irene Rosier-Catach (Université Paris 7/Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Sorbonne)) =
- Giovanni Higuera Rubio = (Universidad Nacional, Columbia) = ambrosio@coll.telecom.com.co
- Tamar Rudavsky (Ohio State) = rudavsky.1@osu.edu or trudavsk@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
- Guillermo Ruiz (Madrid) =
- Risto Saarinen (Helsinki) = RistoSaarinen@compuserve.com
- A. I. Sabra (Harvard) = sabra@fas.harvard.edu
- Mohammad Saeedimehr (Philosophy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran) =
- Chrys Sahgal (UCLA) =
- Prashant Sandilya (India) =
- Samuele Sangalli (Università Cattolica di Milano) =
- David Sanson (Ohio State University) =
- Jean-Marie Sansterre (Université Libre de Bruxelles) =
- Christopher Schabel (University of Cyprus) =
- Jacob Schmutz (Université Libre de Bruxelles) = scholasticon@uda.net.
See also Schmutz's Scholasticon
Web site.
- Gregor Schwarb (JNUL Jerusalem) =
- Lisa Scott (Mississippi) =
- Walter G. Scott (Oklahoma State/Director, Translation Clearing House) =
- Modi Shaban (Switzerland) =
- Stephen J. Shepherd (Oklahoma Panhandle State University) = shep_dog@hotmail.com
- Shimizu Tetsuro (Tohoku University, Japan) = shimizu@sal.tohoku.ac.jp
(Note: "Shimizu" is the surname.) See also Shimizu's
Web page at http://www.sal.tohoku.ac.jp/~shimizu/.
- Takashi Shogimen (University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealend) =
- Jean-Luc Solère (Paris) = jlsolere@nordnet.fr
- Valeria Sorge (Università Federico II, Napoli) = sorge@unina.it
- James B. South (Marquette) = southj@vms.csd.mu.edu
- José Antonio de C. R. de Sousa (Universidade Federal de Goias, Boiânia,
Brasil) = jacrs@gns.com.br
- Paul Vincent Spade (Indiana) =
- Anthony Speca (Toronto, Auckland) =
- Andreas J. Speer (Universität Köln) = andreas.speer@uni-koeln.de
- Joke Spruyt (Faculteit der Cultuurwetenschappen Universiteit Maatsricht,
Netherlands) =
- Carl Grame Stewart (Northern Canada and University of Alberta, Edmonton)
- Martin Stone (De Wulf-Mansioncentrum, Katholieke Universiteit Leuvan) =
- Tony Street (Divinity School, Cambridge) = ads46@cam.ac.uk
- Thomas Storgaard (University of Aarhus, Denmark) =
- Paul Streveler (West Chester University) = pstreveler@wcupa.edu
- Eleonore Stump (St. Louis) = stumpep@slu.edu
- Loris Sturlese (University of Lecce, Italy) = sturle@sesia.unile.it
- Tiziana Suarez-Nani (Université de Fribourg) =
- Jacek Surzyn (Silesian University) = jacek.surzyn@email.cz
- Eileen C. Sweeney (Boston College) =eileen.sweeney@bc.edu
- Edith Sylla (North Carolina State) = edsssl@unity.ncsu.edu
- Vasileios Syros (Dept. of History, University of Helsinki) =
- Andrea Tabarroni (Università di Udine) =
- Katherine Tachau (Iowa) = ktachau@blue.weeg.uiowa.edu
- Michael Tavuzzi (University of St. Thomas, Rome) =
- Taylor, Babatunde (Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba, Ondo, Nigeria) =
- Richard C. Taylor (Marquette) = taylorr@vms.csd.mu.edu
- Jörg Alejandro Tellkamp (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Santafé
de Bogotá, Columbia) =
- Lucia Teszler (Università degli Studi Torino) =
- J. M. M. H. Thijssen (Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen) = hthijssen@phil.kun.nl
- Paul Thom (Southern Cross University, NSW, Australia) =
- Michael W. Tkacz (Gonzaga) = tkacz@gonzaga.edu
- Katia Maria Nascimento Toledo (Brazil) =
- Marco Toste =
- Martin J. Tracey (Notre Dame) = mtracey@darwin.cc.nd.edu
- Aman Tripathi (IIT Bobay) =
- Martin M. Tweedale (Alberta) = martin.tweedale@ualberta.ca
- David B. Twetten (Marquette) = twettend@vms.csd.mu.edu
- Sara L. Uckelman (Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation, University van Amsterdam) =
- Victor Udokpo (Port Harcourt, Rivers State of Nigeria) =
- Richard Utz (English, University of Northern Iowa) = utz@uni.edu
- Luisa Valente (Università degli Studi di Roma 'La Sapienza') = lvalente@uniroma1.it
- Edwin Chr. van Driel (Religious Studies, Yale University) =
- Carlos Vargas (Pontificia Universidate Católica do Paraná, Brasil) =
- Luis Vega Reñon (Universidad a distancia [UNED], Madrid) =
- Graziella Federici Vescovini (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
= ridaldi@tin.it
- Christoffer Vig (Oslo University) =
- Wolfgang Villarreal = (Departmento de Epistemologia, Escuela de Filosofia, La Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo) =
- Wolfgang Wackernagel (Swiss Media, Geneva) = wolfy@geneva-link.ch
(See also Wackernagel's site of materials on Eckhart at http://www.synaptic.ch/MuseumHermeticum/MaitreEckhart/.)
- John Walbridge (Indiana) = jwalbrid@indiana.edu
- Michael M. Waddell (Villanova University) =
- Hartmut Westermann (Universität Luzern) =
- J. L. A. West (Newman Theological College) =
- David Westling (Chicago) =
- James Wetzel (Colgate) = jwetzel@center.colgate.edu
- Thomas Williams (Iowa) =
- Anthony Willing (Huron College, University of Western Ontario) =
- Gordon A. Wilson (North Carolina, Asheville) = gwilson@unca.edu
- John F. Wippel (Catholic University of America) = wippel@cua.edu
- Robert Wisnovsky (Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, Harvard) =
- Neil Wood (Glasgow) = nwo@arts.gla.ac.uk
- Rega Wood (Stanford) =
(See also Wood's "Richard Rufus Web page" at http://rrp.stanford.edu.)
- Krzysztof Wojcieszek (Janski School of Management and Enterpreneurship,
Warsaw; Catholic University of Card. S. Wyszynski, Warsaw)) =
- Mostafa Younesie (Tabiat Modares University, Iran) =
- Mikko Yrjönsuuri (Academy of Finland) = mikko.yrjonsuuri@helsinki.fi
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March 9, 2007